

Webinar: professional abuse in schools – trends and implications for practice

21st July 2020

It is essential that those who hold responsibility for protecting children in schools and / or as case managers are aware of the broad range of behaviours that fall under…

Webinar: What’s new – Online safety update

21st July 2020

More and more of our dealings with people, businesses, even education now takes place online. With that in mind, staying current with what’s new online, especially for children and teens,…

Webinar: Coronavirus – impact on children and young people in BAME communities

21st July 2020

At the start of May 2020, the NHS released their call to action to support BAME NHS people and communities during and beyond COVID-19. While it may not yet be…

Training forum: Forum for School Safeguarding Leads

11th February 2020

The purpose of the day is to provide a day of focused training and discussion for Designated Safeguarding Leads, and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads, working in schools. With BSA, the…

Webinar: supervision – safeguarding the protectors

21st January 2020

A focus on supervision and the benefits this can bring to developing and maintaining a safe and child-centred culture. Topics will include one-to-one and group supervision and shared good practice,…

Webinar: the management and control of drug-related incidents

21st January 2020

Recognising and resolving early signs of drug misuse in children, staff and volunteers is a sensitive area for any organisation. This webinar will arm delegates with the knowledge, skills and…

Webinar: online safeguarding and emerging risks for educators

21st January 2020

As one of the government’s top three priorities, online safeguarding is hugely important and a ‘hot’ topic in education. With children now spending increasingly more time online and with more than…

Sacpa annual safeguarding conference

21st January 2020

We hope you are able to join us for the BSA Group’s annual safeguarding conference, focusing on the latest trends and headlines in safeguarding and child protection. Running for the…

Webinar: the teenager online – identifying issues and tackling risk

21st January 2020

Cyberbullying, sexting and addiction are common issues faced by today’s teenager. This webinar will provide critical insight into how the online world looks to the teenage brain and will arm…

Virtual Conference: peer-on-peer abuse, spotting the signs

21st January 2020

Peer-on-peer abuse is now recognised as a significant growth area of abuse suffered by young people. Included in KCSiE 2019 for England and Wales and in the specific sexual harassment…