Webinar archive

Sacpa organises webinars on the latest safeguarding topics and themes. These webinars are hosted live (to see live events, please take a look at our event calendar) and are also made available as a recording following the live session.

These recordings enable people to access information and training at their convenience, with no restriction on timing or travel. As with our live events, recordings are available to Sacpa members for £90 and non-members for £180.



Scrutinising policies and procedures: conducting an organisational risk assessment

Recorded January 09, 2024

This webinar will consider some of the key principles around developing and reviewing safeguarding policies and procedures in organisations, and how to relate these to relevant guidance and legislation. There will also be consideration of how to conduct and record a safeguarding risk assessment appropriate to the circumstances within the setting.

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Managing the Single Central Register (SCR) in boarding schools

Recorded January 11, 2024

Is your Single Central Register compliant?

Schools and colleges must keep a Single Central Record in line with statutory guidance and associated legislation. However, inaccuracies and missing data in the single central register remains a key area of compliance concern resulting in poor regulatory inspection outcomes which are reflected in judgements on safeguarding leadership.

This webinar is developed to support colleagues who have operational and oversight responsibility for the Single Central Record.

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Child-on-child briefing

Recorded January 18, 2024

A significant focus on inspectorate judgement of pupil wellbeing is the way in which organisations prevent, identify and respond to child-on-child abuse.  Inspectorate judgements refer to evidence of specific child-on-child training for everyone in direct and indirect contact with children and young people.

Whilst there is a particular focus currently from education regulators, an awareness of child-on-child abuse, the safeguarding systems managing the phenomena is a key safeguarding practice consideration for charities, voluntary and private sector organisations in discharging their safeguarding duties and promoting welfare.

This briefing will cover key knowledge and awareness topics within the child-on-child abuse strand of safeguarding including recent updates from KCSIE 2022 for those delegates to which it applies.  It includes a case study example that is used to review and apply learning content.

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Working Together to Safeguard Children Update 2023

Recorded January 22, 2024

The Government published a new version of Working together to safeguard children 2023: statutory guidance (publishing.service.gov.uk) in December 2023.

This webinar will provide an update on changes, explain the new frameworks and safeguarding practice implications for member organisations and individuals.

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Introduction to Restorative Justice and Restorative Practice

Recorded February 05, 2024

Safeguarding practice with adults and children involves exceptional communication, no more so than working with conflict and harm.  This webinar introduces some key elements of restorative approaches, restorative practice, mediation and restorative justice.  A great introduction to get you thinking about how restorative approaches may support those difficult conversations with and between children, young people, colleagues, parents, carers and partners.

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Supporting survivors of Harm

Recorded February 09, 2024

Does your organisation have clear processes in place detailing how victims, those affected, and potential victims of child-on-child abuse are supported?

How do you know that all victims feel reassured that they are being taken seriously, and will be supported and kept safe?

This webinar looks at best practice in delivering safety planning, and support for children and young people who are victims of abuse or crime, may have been harmed due to abuse within the family, community or within the organisational context including child-on-child abuse and abuse by those in positions of trust.

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Supporting international students: audit development

Recorded February 09, 2024

Students who travel internationally for their education are vulnerable and merit specific thought when considering and developing safeguarding and child protection policies within schools. Safeguarding concerns and vulnerabilities can range from cultural differences and parental expectations, to corresponding with an overseas agency or struggling to get support from local agencies. The development of a specific audit considering the care you provide for international students is a robust and considered way to ensure you are supporting international students in the best way you can.

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Managing allegations and low-level concerns

Recorded February 23, 2024

Responding to and managing allegations and low-level concerns is an essential process and compliance responsibility. This webinar is suitable for Trustees, Governors and Leaders responsible for oversight and maintenance of safer organisations, designated and deputy designated safeguarding leads, values guardians and nominated persons responsible for co-ordinating response to low-level-concerns, colleagues responsible for safer recruitment and HR processes from all sectors. It provides an overview of core topics relating to responding to concerns and allegations including reporting and referral processes, training, signposting and ensuring everyone understands how safeguarding relates to them, managing difficult conversations, and the importance of transparency.

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Safeguarding and online contexts

Recorded February 29, 2024

Online contexts are now a key feature of all safeguarding topics.  This webinar explores the online contexts linked to three key safeguarding topics.  What should we be looking out for, what responses should we be preparing, and how can we minimise harm whilst supporting children and young people to get the best out of the online world.

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Working with your LADO - best practice recommendations

Recorded March 14, 2024

This webinar highlights best practice recommendations when working with your Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) and focuses on some key areas to update and inform your practice.

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Safeguarding and mental health risk assessment

Recorded March 19, 2024

Mental health continues to be a top safeguarding concern for practitioners, children, young people and their families alike.  This webinar aims to look at key areas of managing mental health in house with a particular focus on mental health risk assessment and review.

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Radicalisation and Early Identification

Recorded March 22, 2024

This webinar provides an awareness overview of the Prevent Duty. Delegates will review the legal context, signs and indicators, response and referral to the challenge of radicalisation.

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Safeguarding children with additional needs; the legalities of reasonable adjustment

Recorded April 22, 2024

Does your organisation understand the legalities of making reasonable adjustment when safeguarding children and young people?

The emphasis on the need for awareness of special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) in safeguarding guidance continues to grow.  It is critical to avoid unlawful discrimination and to discharge the duty to make reasonable adjustments under the Equality Act 2010 as well as understand evolving Government guidance on best practice in supporting children with SEND.

This webinar highlights the legal landscape relating to disability discrimination and in particular your duty to make reasonable adjustments in safeguarding.

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Safeguarding considerations for summer school teams

Recorded April 22, 2024

Summer schools are unique in that they host international students within the residential context yet may have little contextual and safeguarding information about this short-term cohort.

This seminar explores key considerations for safeguarding in summer schools and highlights best practice in summer school provision that positively impacts safeguarding.

key aspects of safeguarding touches on important topics such as safer recruitment, more complex safeguarding, pre and post summer school knowledge of students and the possibility of summer school being used as a device for the trafficking of children.

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Scrutinising policies and procedures: conducting an organisational risk assessment

Recorded April 23, 2024

This webinar will consider some of the key principles around developing and reviewing safeguarding policies and procedures in organisations, and how to relate these to relevant guidance and legislation. There will also be consideration of how to conduct and record a safeguarding risk assessment appropriate to the circumstances within the setting.

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Simplifying the Online Safety Act: how does this affect me?

Recorded May 01, 2024

This webinar aims to simplify the online safety bill and address the above needs of safeguarding practitioners, leaders and governance colleagues.

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Child-on-child briefing

Recorded May 08, 2024

A significant focus on inspectorate judgement of pupil wellbeing is the way in which organisations prevent, identify and respond to child-on-child abuse.  Inspectorate judgements refer to evidence of specific child-on-child training for everyone in direct and indirect contact with children and young people.

Whilst there is a particular focus currently from education regulators, an awareness of child-on-child abuse, the safeguarding systems managing the phenomena is a key safeguarding practice consideration for charities, voluntary and private sector organisations in discharging their safeguarding duties and promoting welfare.

This briefing will cover key knowledge and awareness topics within the child-on-child abuse strand of safeguarding including recent updates from KCSIE 2022 for those delegates to which it applies.  It includes a case study example that is used to review and apply learning content.

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Safeguarding in the "metaverse"

Recorded May 14, 2024

The metaverse and web 3 technologies help children explore opportunities for immersive education and recreation.  But what of safeguarding?

Do those who have particular roles with children and their families and have responsibilities for safeguarding really feel confident that they have the knowledge and understanding of the emerging benefits and safeguarding risks that the metaverse brings?

This webinar aims to upskill colleagues who support children and young people using virtual reality to get the best from this ever-evolving technology and to anticipate how and in what way different groups of children may be affected when using this emerging set of technologies.

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Conducting safeguarding incident reviews

Recorded May 16, 2024

This webinar provides a brief overview of the safeguarding review process.  It highlights some key areas for consideration when developing systems and processes in preparation to conduct or commission a range of safeguarding reviews.  Delegates will feel more prepared to identify and deliver the most appropriate level of incident review and disseminate learning.

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Managing volunteers: supporting their understanding of safeguarding requirements

Recorded May 17, 2024

Does your organisation include volunteers?

Do they work with children, young people or adults with care and support needs?

There are many aspects to recruiting and managing a volunteer workforce and supporting their understanding of safeguarding requirements and safer recruitment is a key compliance requirement.

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Neurodiversity and safeguarding

Recorded May 20, 2024

Our understanding of neurodiversity is developing, and in acceptance has been most recently driven by the self-disclosure of many high-profile persons who share their narratives of vulnerability and resilience in relation to their neurodiverse traits.

This webinar explores what neurodiversity is, debates the deficit vs. superpower discourse, and explicitly explores safeguarding and vulnerability with a focus on key areas of safeguarding practice.

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Introduction to Restorative Justice and Restorative Practice

Recorded June 04, 2024

Safeguarding practice with adults and children involves exceptional communication, no more so than working with conflict and harm.  This webinar introduces some key elements of restorative approaches, restorative practice, mediation and restorative justice.  A great introduction to get you thinking about how restorative approaches may support those difficult conversations with and between children, young people, colleagues, parents, carers and partners.

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Intervention plans that build resilience

Recorded June 12, 2024

Strengths-based planning is recognised good practice. But how often do teams focus on deficits, or areas that need `fixing’ to the detriment of including strengths-based activities that contribute to reducing risk. In this webinar our speaker describes their front-line intervention work with children and explores how strengths-based planning and intervention strategies have created improved outcomes for children and young people. Delegates will have an opportunity to ask questions at the end of the webinar and consider how strengths-based planning and intervention delivery can be used in their practice.

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Delivering safeguarding updates and briefings

Recorded June 17, 2024

Delivering safeguarding updates and briefings is a key area of responsibility for safeguarding leads and designated safeguarding leads.  Are you stuck with the same routine updates in your setting?

This webinar focuses on a range of briefing ideas and methods which we hope will refresh, inspire and encourage you to get creative and achieve enhanced results for safeguarding awareness.

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Working with Governors, Board members and Trustees to improve safeguarding compliance

Recorded July 01, 2024

Guidance for safeguarding continues to strengthen expectations that governors, trustees and board members have enough knowledge and understanding of safeguarding to provide effective oversight and scrutiny.  Safeguarding leaders provide technical expertise to support scrutineers of their work.  This webinar explores some key issues in this working relationship and uses a framework for oversight case study to illustrate how productive, effective challenge and support relationships may be developed.

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Updating safeguarding and Code of Conduct policy and procedure

Recorded July 03, 2024

This webinar considers some key principles and practices around updating safeguarding and code of conduct policies. How to use a range of data to inform the update process and articulate the rationale for specific update with regard to governance, regulatory inspection.  It will consider how to work with colleagues using policy and procedure in their practice.

Delegates will have the opportunity to consider and share a range of approaches to this task and positively impact the ongoing development of safer organisations practice.

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Adolescent development and risk-taking behaviours

Recorded July 04, 2024

This webinar will consider risk taking behaviours in adolescents, including why they take risks, and what forms these risk taking behaviours can take. This webinar is suitable for anyone who works with children and young people and will increase understanding of teenage development and how to look past behaviour at what might be underlying and driving it.

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Investigating child-on-child incidents

Recorded December 08, 2023

Child-on-child abuse continues to be a concern and a zero-tolerance approach to investigation is a compliance requirement for many sectors.

This webinar looks at the importance of analysis and investigation of child-on-child incidents. Delegates will explore what analysis and investigation should aim to achieve, advice on recording and preparing for complaint and legal challenge.

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Safeguarding and online contexts

Recorded December 04, 2023

Online contexts are now a key feature of all safeguarding topics.  This webinar explores the online contexts linked to three key safeguarding topics.  What should we be looking out for, what responses should we be preparing, and how can we minimise harm whilst supporting children and young people to get the best out of the online world.

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Annual Safeguarding Conference

Recorded November 22, 2023

This year’s SACPA and BSA Annual Safeguarding Conference promises to bring a day packed with expert speakers from a range of disciplines and perspectives who aim to inform, challenge, and invigorate delegates on a range of key and contemporary safeguarding topics and learning.

Addressing key issues from our members, sessions will consider the current safeguarding landscape the conference closes with the awards ceremony for SACPA Annual Safeguarding Awards.

SACPA and BSA will facilitate questions directly from members to our experts throughout the day and encourage delegates to come prepared with questions for our panels.

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Radicalisation and early identification

Recorded November 10, 2023

This webinar provides an awareness overview of the Prevent Duty. Delegates will review the legal context, signs and indicators, response and referral to the challenge of radicalisation.

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Supporting mental ill-health: spotlight on healthy coping strategies

Recorded November 07, 2023

This Conference focuses on mental health from a range of perspectives and with a particular focus on safeguarding and promoting coping strategies that are healthy and reduce vulnerability to escalation of risk.

SACPA and HIEDA promise to bring a day packed with expert speakers from a range of disciplines and perspectives who aim to inform, challenge, and invigorate on the subject of mental health and safeguarding.

SACPA and HIEDA will facilitate questions directly from members to our experts throughout the day and encourage delegates to come prepared with questions for our panels.

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Peer supervision training: trusted models and best practice

Recorded November 03, 2023

This webinar provides a brief introduction to trusted models of supervision which are suitable to draw upon when providing in-house peer supervision for colleagues and volunteers working in roles with particular safeguarding and pastoral support responsibilities.

This webinar enables delegates to engage in reflective practice in relation to the suitability of models, ethical and practical considerations around case study scenarios.

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Safer organisations and a culture of listening to children

Recorded October 11, 2023

This webinar explores the relationship between maintaining a safer organisation and a culture of listening to children focusing on three key safeguarding practice areas.

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Safeguarding online: headlines, compliance and how to support

Recorded October 2, 2023

This session will look at the latest guidance, trends and headlines in online safety. It will highlight the benefits that are to be gained from the online world and also look at the challenges and risks in a balanced way. The latest research will be shared along with some strategies for colleagues working with children and young people and children and young people themselves.

This webinar will support knowledge and confidence of practitioners and leaders responsible for oversight of safeguarding and online safety, including those involved in risk assessment, delivering online safety interventions and curriculum. The event is suitable for colleagues working in education, health, youth services, early help, private, charity and third sector organisations.

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Managing allegations and low-level concerns

Recorded September 29, 2023

Responding to and managing allegations and low-level concerns is an essential process and compliance responsibility. This webinar is suitable for Trustees, Governors and Leaders responsible for oversight and maintenance of safer organisations, designated and deputy designated safeguarding leads, values guardians and nominated persons responsible for co-ordinating response to low-level-concerns, colleagues responsible for safer recruitment and HR processes from all sectors. It provides an overview of core topics relating to responding to concerns and allegations including reporting and referral processes, training, signposting and ensuring everyone understands how safeguarding relates to them, managing difficult conversations, and the importance of transparency.

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Safeguarding update

Recorded September 21, 2023

The session will discuss current trends and developments in safeguarding. There will be a particular focus on the changes in the updated Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE) guidance for England (September 2023) but the content will be relevant to all safeguarding practitioners.

  • The new updated to Keeping Children Safe in Education and other guidance for England
  • Current safeguarding issues and trends, including online environments
  • Compliance implications.

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Managing the Single Central Register (SCR)

Recorded September 18, 2023

Is your Single Central Register compliant?

Schools and colleges must keep a Single Central Record in line with statutory guidance and associated legislation. However, inaccuracies and missing data in the single central register remains a key area of compliance concern resulting in poor regulatory inspection outcomes which are reflected in judgements on safeguarding leadership.

This webinar is developed to support colleagues who have operational and oversight responsibility for the Single Central Record. It covers;

  • Supporting guidance
  • Information required for SCR
  • Retention of evidence
  • Procedure for maintaining and checking the SCR
  • What happens on the SCR if staff or volunteers are found to be unsuitable

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KCSIE 2023 update

Recorded September 05, 2023

This webinar will look at the changes to Keeping Children Safe in Education for 2023 and will highlight the management and compliance implications.

KCSIE is for all practitioners in schools as well as governing bodies, proprietors, and management committees.

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Scrutinising policies and procedures: conducting an organisational risk assessment

Recorded September 04, 2023

This webinar will consider some of the key principles around developing and reviewing safeguarding policies and procedures in organisations, and how to relate these to relevant guidance and legislation. There will also be consideration of how to conduct and record a safeguarding risk assessment appropriate to the circumstances within the setting.

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Gaming and exposure to radicalisation and grooming

Recorded June 27, 2023

This webinar takes delegates beyond prevent training and explores the nature and extent of individuals and groups who groom through misinformation and direct means using a range of online platforms.  Delegates will have the most up to date information about the activity and means of grooming to draw vulnerable persons into their sphere of influence and consider safeguarding responses to prevent, deter and support those affected.

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KCSIE Update

Recorded June 26, 2023

This webinar will look at the changes to Keeping Children Safe in Education for 2023 and will highlight the management and compliance implications.

KCSIE is for all practitioners in schools as well as governing bodies, proprietors, and management committees.

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Domestic and International Trafficking

Recorded May 25, 2023

In this webinar our speaker describes the work of the border force and their practice experiences of safeguarding children and vulnerable persons who are at risk of, or have been trafficked for the purpose of exploitation.

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Adolescent development and risk-taking behaviours

Recorded May 5, 2023

This webinar, delivered by YoungMinds, the UK’s leading charity fighting for children and young people’s mental health, will consider risk taking behaviours in adolescents, including why they take risks, and what forms these risk taking behaviours can take. This webinar is suitable for anyone who works with children and young people and will increase understanding of teenage development and how to look past behaviour at what might be underlying and driving it.

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Sacpa/BAISIS – Safeguarding international students conference

Recorded April 25, 2023

Safeguarding international students remains a complex and challenging area of work. This conference brings together expert speakers with specialist knowledge and experience who work with international students. It aims to inform and support colleagues managing safeguarding in international contexts and focusses on emerging themes and concerns including conflict resolution between groups of students and its links to the child-on-child safeguarding agenda.

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Managing volunteers: supporting their understanding of safeguarding requirements and safer recruitment

Recorded April 13, 2023

Does your organisation include volunteers?

Do they work with children, young people or adults with care and support needs?

There are many aspects to recruiting and managing a volunteer workforce and supporting their understanding of safeguarding requirements and safer recruitment is a key compliance requirement.

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Understanding `reasonable adjustment’ and `defensible decisions’

Recorded March 22, 2023

Does your organisation understand its legal duties and required approaches to making adjustments for the individual needs of service users and staff?

The emphasis on the need for awareness of special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) in safeguarding guidance continues to grow.  It is critical to avoid unlawful discrimination and to discharge the duty to make reasonable adjustments under the Equality Act 2010 as well as understand evolving Government guidance on best practice in supporting children with SEND.

This webinar highlights the legal landscape relating to disability discrimination and in particular your duty to make reasonable adjustments.

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Contextual Safeguarding awareness

Recorded March 7, 2023

Do you know what contextual safeguarding is?

Do you know how agencies work together to tackle contextual safeguarding and the multi-agency support you could access to keep children, young people and vulnerable adults safe?

Topics will include

  • Defining contextual safeguarding, globally, nationally, locally and within community contexts
  • Review of key contextual safeguarding risks for children, young people and adults
  • Traditional safeguarding responses: debating the relevance
  • Alternative models of contextual safeguarding response
  • Navigating to multi-agency landscape to access support
  • The role of prevention, early help, protection, and disruption
  • Post webinar networking session for delegates.

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Practical tips to prioritise mental wellbeing for you and those around you

Recorded March 6, 2023

Anxiety, and stress anxiety in particular, is the most common form of mental ill health, impacting children, young people and adults irrespective of background or gender. Anxiety can manifest in a host of different ways for different people and despite its prevalence, still has a degree of stigma around it. Working in safeguarding and providing safeguarding support to others can put a lot of personal pressure on practitioners, but other pressures and causes can come from our personal settings and family, financial or health experiences and around significant life events or difficult past experiences.

This webinar, delivered by AnxietyUK, will provide tips, techniques and tools that can be used by individuals to prioritise and look after your mental wellbeing and address symptoms of anxiety, but also be passed on to those around us, be it those we’re supporting professionally, colleagues, friends or family.

Topics will include

  • Types and forms of anxiety, how it presents and the signs and symptoms to look out for
  • Preventative measures: sleep hygiene, nutrition, exercise and self-care
  • Support: self-help, journaling, where to access specific support
  • Helping others and when to refer for further support.

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Mental health and safeguarding

Recorded January 30, 2023

Mental health continues to be a top safeguarding concern for practitioners, children, young people and their families alike.

This webinar aims to look at key areas of managing mental health in house and developing effective responses where access to services remains challenging.

Topics will include:

  • Current challenges in managing mental health
  • When does mental health become a safeguarding issue
  • Mental health risk assessment
  • Thresholds for mental health support and access to specialist services
  • Practical case study on developing in-house services.

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Scrutinising safeguarding policies and procedures: conducting organisational risk assessments

Recorded January 19, 2023

This webinar will consider some of the key principles around developing and reviewing safeguarding policies and procedures in organisations, and how to relate these to relevant guidance and legislation. There will also be consideration of how to conduct and record a safeguarding risk assessment appropriate to the circumstances within the setting.

Topics will include

  • Evaluating safeguarding policies and procedures
  • Assessing safeguarding risk and producing relevant risk assessments
  • Relating documentation to relevant legislation and guidance.

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Delivering quality reflective supervision

Recorded November 4, 2022

This webinar explores what high quality reflective supervision looks like

Training topics will include:

  • explores why safeguarding supervision is so important in maintaining a healthy safeguarding culture
  • identifies relevant statutory, regulatory and practice frameworks that detail what high quality supervision looks like
  • outlines key supervision theories and models recommended for a range of disciplines
  • links between safeguarding supervision and appraisal, professional revalidation, resolution, support, and ongoing assessment of suitability for positions of trust
  • highlights some key values and practical concerns for those delivering safeguarding supervision.

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Keeping current with Online Gaming

Recorded October 6, 2022

This session will look at online gaming for the under 13’s.  It will highlight the benefits that are to be gained from online gaming and also look at the challenges and risks in a balanced way.  The latest research will be shared along with some strategies to educate and empower children and young people to manage their gaming effectively. 

Topics will include:

This webinar will support knowledge and confidence of practitioners and leaders responsible for oversight of safeguarding and online safety, including those involved in risk assessment, delivering online safety interventions and curriculum.  The event is suitable for colleagues working in education, health, youth services, early help, private, charity and third sector organisations. 

This webinar will; 

  • Provide an overview of the latest games and associated social media platforms 
  • Signpost useful sites and resources to inform and educate about gaming, the associated benefits and risks 
  • Review strategies for meaningful engagement with young gamers 
  • Signpost links to support assessment, intervention and education sessions with young people who love to game 

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Managing allegations and low level concerns

Recorded September 30, 2022

Responding to and managing allegations and low-level concerns is an essential process and compliance responsibility.  This webinar is suitable for Trustees, Governors and Leaders responsible for oversight and maintenance of safer organisations, designated and deputy designated safeguarding leads, values guardians and nominated persons responsible for co-ordinating response to low-level-concerns, colleagues responsible for safer recruitment and HR processes from all sectors.  It provides an overview of core topics relating to responding to concerns and allegations including reporting and referral processes, training, signposting and ensuring everyone understands how safeguarding relates to them, managing difficult conversations, and the importance of transparency.

Training topics will include:

Responding to and managing allegations and low-level concerns is an essential process and compliance responsibility.  From ensuring that the whole organisation are aware of policy and process and understand cultural/behavioural expectations relating to safeguarding and child protection.

Embedding safer working cultures and implementing policy and procedure that underpins them is a task that is complex, which involves managing difficult conversations and making appropriate referrals to external agencies which are important to get right.

This webinar is suitable for all sectors and provides an overview of core topics relating to responding to concerns and allegations including;

  • Safer recruitment, reporting and referral processes
  • Training, signposting and ensuring everyone understands how safeguarding relates to them
  • Managing difficult conversations
  • The importance of transparency.

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Staff behaviour policy or code of conduct: the benefits of co-production and the risks of not

Recorded September 20, 2022

This webinar aims to demonstrate the importance of taking staff and volunteer behaviour and conduct beyond policy.  It seeks to demonstrate the added value and assurance that co-production of staff codes of conduct can bring to the ongoing development of safer cultures.  It is suitable for Trustees, Governors, and Leaders responsible for ensuring safer working cultures, HR professionals, Colleagues conducting the single point of contact role for Low-level-concerns, and anyone looking to further develop their knowledge and understanding in safeguarding.

Training topics will include

Statutory, non-statutory and regulatory guidance details the requirement of policy and procedure detailing expectations of behavioural conduct of volunteers, visitors, and employees.

Whilst there are good examples of behaviours to avoid that may be adapted to organisational context within staff behaviour policies; there is also credible opinion that lack of attention to careful implementation could be counterproductive.

This webinar is essential for all involved with leadership, oversight and implementation of safer recruitment and maintenance of safer working cultures who are ambitious in their aims to deliver best practice in maintaining safeguarding cultures and mitigate risk.

This webinar will;

  • Review the features of safer organisations
  • Identify where co-production activity fits within safer recruitment, professional development, and HR processes
  • Demonstrate how co-production activity may be facilitated

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Future-proofing your safeguarding policy

Recorded September 15, 2022

The world of safeguarding is fast moving. Organisations should ensure that safeguarding and child protection policies integrate the essential elements referenced in a range of statutory guidance, regulations, advice notes and inspectorate frameworks. Leaders responsible for the management, oversight and governance of safeguarding should also pay close attention to timely review and inclusion of research evidence, and lessons learned from organisational, local and national reviews, reports and learnings.

To react to new legislative, statutory and regulatory requirements, busy organisations may take an incremental approach to review and amendment of policy. This reactive amendment approach can cause inconsistencies across the organisational policy and procedure landscape, leaving important safeguarding blind spots unrevealed.

Sacpa recommend a proactive, future-proofing of all safeguarding related policy. An approach which requires organisational safeguarding leaders to work together in a climate of transparency, support and challenge to continually future-proof one of the cornerstones of a healthy safeguarding culture.

Topics will include

  • Why policy and future-proofing safeguarding and child protection policy is essential
  • Key topics for future-proofing
  • How to avoid the impact of incremental amendment
  • Effective oversight, scrutiny and governance to develop and maintain future-proofed safeguarding and child protection policy

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Child on Child Briefing

Recorded September 12, 2022

A significant focus on inspectorate judgement of pupil wellbeing is the way in which organisations prevent, identify and respond to child-on-child abuse.  Inspectorate judgements refer to evidence of specific child-on-child training for everyone in direct and indirect contact with children and young people.

Training topics will include:

  • What is child-on-child abuse
  • Why is awareness of child-on-child abuse so important
  • Links to contextual safeguarding
  • Prevalence of child-on-child abuse
  • What the curriculum does to address the problem of child-on-child abuse
  • Why your response is important
  • Working case study example

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KCSIE refresher / Highlighting KCSIE 2022 changes for leaders

Recorded September 8, 2022

This session will look at the changes to Keeping Children Safe in Education for 2022 and will highlight the management and compliance implications. Keeping Children Safe in Education 2022 was released in May and comes in to effect from September 01, 2022.

KCSIE is for all practitioners in schools as well as governing bodies, proprietors and management committees. As such, this session will highlight the changes published in KCSIE 2022 including how safeguarding and child protection training will help governors and trustees; updates on harmful online challenges; the importance of schools and colleges speaking with parents and carers about children’s access to online sites when away from school or college; clarity on the process for sharing low-level concerns, and more.


Training topics will include:

  • Changes to KCSIE
  • Impact on policies and procedures
  • Impact on professional practice.

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KCSIE Part 1 update for staff (recordings available and one page questions)

Recorded September 2, 2022

A new version of Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE) will come into force on 1 September. 2022

Trustees, Governing bodies and proprietors should ensure that those staff who work directly with children read and demonstrate an understanding of the content of Part one of KCSIE and that staff who do not work directly with children read either Part one or Annex A.

This webinar covers the content of Part 1 of KCSIE22 using case study examples.  A scenario-based learning evidence pack is available for delegates to complete and to be retained by DSL’s to evidence understanding of content and application and to identify any areas of development.

Topics will include:

  • A child centred and coordinated approach to safeguarding
  • The role of school and college staff, why is all of this important?
  • What school and college staff need to know
  • What school and college staff should look out for
  • What school and college staff should do if they have concerns about a child
  • Record keeping
  • What school and college staff should do if they have a safeguarding / low-level concern or an allegation about another staff member
  • What school or college staff should do if they have concerns about safeguarding practices within the school or college

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Future-proofing safeguarding and child protection policy

Recorded July 13, 2022

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Promoting resilience and mood management

Recorded July 6, 2022

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DBS: good practice for safer recruitment

Recorded June 29, 2022

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Recorded May 28, 2022

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Understanding 'reasonable adjustment' and 'defensible decisions'

Recorded May 26, 2022

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Adolescent development and risk-taking behaviours

Recorded May 16, 2022

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Scrutinising your safeguarding policies, procedures - conducting an organisational safeguarding risk assessment

Recorded March 15, 2022

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First thoughts on the IICSA investigation report into residential schools

Recorded March 11, 2022

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Practical tips to prioritise mental wellbeing for you and those around you

Recorded February 25, 2022

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Supporting international students: audit development

Recorded February 04, 2022

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Responding to concerns and allegations within your organisation

Recorded February 03, 2022

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The convergence between Gambling and Online Gaming

Recorded January 20, 2022

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Working with your LADO or local council

Recorded December 2, 2021

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Junior gaming: the good, the bad and the safeguarding

Recorded November 16, 2021

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Managing volunteers - supporting their understanding of safer recruitment and safeguarding issues

Recorded November 9, 2021

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KCSIE 2021 and sexual violence update

Recorded September 6, 2021

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The rights of children and young people (jointly organised with Farrer & Co)

Recorded: March 18, 2021.
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Getting the language right: Gaming and social media

Recorded: March 09, 2021.
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County Lines - understanding risk and preparing for post-lockdown

Recorded: February 11, 2021.
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What's new: Drugs and alcohol

Recorded: January 18, 2021.
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The role of DSL and DDSL in 2021 and beyond

Recorded: January 14, 2021.
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Keeping children safe in out-of-school settings

Recorded: December 03, 2020.
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Making the most of professional supervision

Delivered live: November 23, 2020.
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There's more to saying 'no': refusal strategies

Delivered live: November 16, 2020.
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What's new: Gaming

Delivered live: November 09, 2020.
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Professional abuse in schools: trends and implications for practice

Delivered live: October 13, 2020.
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What's new - Online safety update

Delivered live: October 06, 2020.
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Coronavirus: impact on children and young people in BAME communities

Delivered live: September 25, 2020.
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The management and control of drug-related incidents

Delivered live: May 04, 2020.
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