
Managing volunteers: supporting their understanding of safeguarding requirements and safer recruitment


Course outline: Does your organisation include volunteers? Do they work with children, young people or adults with care and support needs? There are many aspects to recruiting and managing a volunteer workforce and supporting their understanding of safeguarding requirements and safer recruitment is a key compliance requirement. Training topics will include: This webinar is delivered...

Neurodiversity and safeguarding


Course outline: Our understanding of neurodiversity is developing, and in acceptance has been most recently driven by the self-disclosure of many high-profile persons who share their narratives of vulnerability and resilience in relation to their neurodiverse traits. This webinar explores what neurodiversity is, debates the deficit vs. superpower discourse, and explicitly explores safeguarding and vulnerability...

Thinking about SACPA Membership Briefing


Overview This session is for colleagues with an interest in joining Sacpa Membership. The session includes a brief 10-minute review of what Sacpa has to offer to members then there will be an opportunity to ask questions. You can also meet some of your other colleagues who are also interested in joining Sacpa – an...

DBS: good practice for safer recruitment


Course outline Delivered directly by colleagues within the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS), this webinar is a must for everyone who is involved in ensuring a culture of vigilance and the ongoing maintenance of safer organisation culture weather their role is front-line, operational management, HR and compliance functions or leadership and governance including trustees, board...

Managing affluent neglect


  Course outline: The phrase “affluent neglect” presents something of a perceived oxymoron. If there is affluence, how can there also be neglect? Sadly, affluent neglect is a real issue and concern, and can be particularly challenging to identify and manage where signs and indicators may look different to those in under-resourced families. The power...

Working with Governors, Board members and Trustees to improve safeguarding compliance


Course outline: Guidance for safeguarding continues to strengthen expectations that governors, trustees and board members have enough knowledge and understanding of safeguarding to provide effective oversight and scrutiny.  Safeguarding leaders provide technical expertise to support scrutineers of their work.  This webinar explores some key issues in this working relationship and uses a framework for oversight...

Focus Group 3 – Filtering and monitoring and Online Safety


Overview The DfE call for evidence on Safeguarding children in schools and colleges.  This relates to Keeping Children Safe in Education 2024 and it is pertinent that this is a call for evidence ,rather than a full consultation. There is an extensive list of questions across a range of domains in this call for evidence....

Thinking about SACPA Membership Briefing


Overview This session is for colleagues with an interest in joining Sacpa Membership. The session includes a brief 10-minute review of what Sacpa has to offer to members then there will be an opportunity to ask questions. You can also meet some of your other colleagues who are also interested in joining Sacpa – an...

Introduction to Restorative Justice and Restorative Practice


Course outline: Safeguarding practice with adults and children involves exceptional communication, no more so than working with conflict and harm.  This webinar introduces some key elements of restorative approaches, restorative practice, mediation and restorative justice.  A great introduction to get you thinking about how restorative approaches may support those difficult conversations with and between children,...

Introduction to safeguarding


Course outline: Updated for Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE) 2023. A certificate of attendance is available. This training is a vital safeguarding refresher for those working with children but who are not themselves the Designated Safeguarding Lead. This course has been updated to include amendments to new statutory guidance, standards and lessons learned from...