
Lottie Andrews

Age limits on sex education could see children turn to ‘less reliable sources’

22nd May 2024

Age limits on when sex education can be taught could risk children seeking information from “less reliable sources”, a school leaders’ union has warned. Schools in England are set to be told…

Safeguarding panel calls for register of home-educated children

22nd May 2024

An expert child safeguarding panel has joined calls for a statutory register of children who are electively home educated. The Child Safeguarding Practice Review Panel looked at 27 incidents involving 41 children…

Police and partners work with local businesses to tackle child exploitation in the city centre

1st May 2024

The more you share with us, the more children we can help.’ Greater Manchester Police and partners are working with local businesses to spot the signs of exploitation and encourage…

Training Spotlight: Early years students use VR to hone safeguarding skills

1st May 2024

We believe that extended reality technologies have matured to the point where they are ready to take their place in the educator’s toolkit. Where virtual reality (VR) technology excels is…

Teachers voice fears over surge in home-schooled children

24th April 2024

School leaders have sounded a warning over the number of children being home schooled saying many are not getting a proper education. London headteachers are doing “everything they can” to prevent children who are persistently absent…

Plans to strengthen safeguarding rules in the EYFS out for consultation

24th April 2024

Plans to ensure individuals working in early years settings have reference checks, and new requirements to follow up if a child is absent from nursery for a prolonged period of…

Government to make all police carry out Plymouth safeguarding children scheme

17th April 2024

he Government is set to make a Plymouth-born child-safeguarding scheme a statutory requirement of all police forces across England and Wales. As part of a series of amendments to the…

More areas trial new child protection project

17th April 2024

Seven more areas in England have been selected to trial a programme to improve child protection. The Families First for Children (FFC) scheme was launched in three areas in 2023 after after…

Two new charities should oversee safeguarding in Church of England – report

28th February 2024

Two new independent charities should be set up to deliver and oversee safeguarding in the Church of England, a report has recommended. The report, authored by Professor Alexis Jay, states that current…

Banning phones will not make children safer

28th February 2024

We are all aware that mobile phones with access to the internet are now used by most children and young people. However, whether children are on or offline they participate…