
Safeguarding Week in Yorkshire: Raising Awareness and Strengthening Protections

Posted: 20th June 2024

Source: (17) Safeguarding Week in Yorkshire: Raising Awareness and Strengthening Protections | LinkedIn

With many Safeguarding Children Partnerships and Safeguarding Adult Boards in Yorkshire organising their Annual Safeguarding Week, it is an ideal time to highlight the importance of safeguarding and how organisations can play a pivotal role in protecting vulnerable children, young people, and adults.

What is Safeguarding?

Safeguarding involves protecting individuals’ health, well-being, and human rights, ensuring they can live free from harm, abuse, or neglect. It is fundamental to providing high-quality health and social care.

How Organisations Can Safeguard Vulnerable Individuals

  1. Develop Robust Policies and Procedures: Create comprehensive safeguarding policies that clearly outline the steps for identifying, reporting, and responding to concerns. These should be regularly reviewed and updated to reflect current best practices and legal requirements.
  2. Regular Training and Awareness: Provide continuous training for staff and volunteers on safeguarding practices, recognising signs of abuse, and knowing how to report concerns. This ensures everyone understands their roles and responsibilities.
  3. Thorough Recruitment Processes: Implement rigorous recruitment procedures, including background checks, to ensure that staff and volunteers are safe to work with vulnerable populations.
  4. Safe and Open Environment: Foster a culture of openness where individuals feel safe to communicate their concerns and advocate for themselves and others without fear.
  5. Respond Appropriately to Incidents: Ensure there are clear procedures for responding to safeguarding incidents, including providing support to victims and taking appropriate action against perpetrators.
  6. Empower Victims: Encourage and empower victims to be involved in decisions about their care and support, ensuring their voices are heard.
  7. Multi-Agency Collaboration: Work with other agencies to share information and coordinate responses to safeguarding concerns, ensuring a holistic approach to protection.
  8. Continuous Improvement: Regularly review and improve policies, procedures, and practices to ensure they remain effective and in line with current standards.

Case Study: Operation Hydrant

Operation Hydrant (now the Hydrant Programme) is a prime example of a robust safeguarding framework. Established in 2014, it coordinated the investigation of child sexual abuse allegations across the UK involving prominent individuals and institutions.

Positive Outcomes:

  • Institutional Accountability: 5,751 institutions investigated, including schools, children’s homes, religious institutions, and sports organisations. [1]
  • Increased Reporting: A 73% increase in reports from victims between September 30, 2018, to June 30, 2022. [2]
  • Policy Reforms: Enhanced ability of organisations to prevent and respond to abuse. [3]
  • New Referral Pathways: 33 new safeguarding referral pathways. [4][5]
  • Strengthened Multi-Agency Collaboration: Improved coordination between agencies to protect vulnerable individuals. [6]

Success Factors:

  • Comprehensive Framework: Clear guidelines ensured consistency and thoroughness.
  • Specialized Training: Training in sensitivity, peer support, and professional development.
  • Dedicated Resources: Specialist teams supported robust investigations.
  • Victim Support: Comprehensive support for victims and their families.
  • Public Awareness: Transparency and campaigns encouraged victim reporting.


Organisations play a crucial role in safeguarding vulnerable populations. By implementing robust policies, providing training, ensuring rigorous recruitment, fostering safe environments, responding appropriately to incidents, empowering victims, collaborating with other agencies, and continuously improving practices, they can significantly impact the protection and well-being of vulnerable individuals.

For more information, you can refer to sources such as:

[1] National Police Chiefs’ Council. 2022. Operation Hydrant Quarterly Statistics: Breakdown of Live Investigations up to and included 31 December 2018. Retrieved from

[2] IBID

[3] National Police Chiefs’ Council. 2018. Operation Hydrant Quarterly Statistics: Breakdown of Live Investigations up to and included 30 September 2018. Retrieved from

[4] Edward Scott 2016, Historical Child Sex Abuse Investigations,

[5] National Police Chiefs’ Council. 2022. IICSA CSEON Report Recommendations National Policing update – August 2022. Retrieved from

[6] Operation Hydrant Annual Report 2021. Owner: DCC Ian Critchley. Retrieved from

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