
Safeguarding messages delivered to Telford students in touring theatre show

Posted: 1st November 2023

The topics of grooming, bullying and mental health were a few of the difficult topics explored with Telford College students with a visit from a touring theatre company.

Loudmouth specialises in creating shows for students which explore topics such as relationships, sex education and health.

Caroline Welson, BeSafe manager and deputy designated safeguarding lead for Telford College, said: “Loudmouth are a highly respected company who come in and tackle tough topics in a way that younger students can relate to.

“It’s all about re-educating and creating a culture that allows everyone to feel safe at the college and create an environment where it’s safe to report.

“Their use of language and music to highlight discussions and scenarios are relatable to students; it’s more engaging and delivered by different people in a different way.”

The two-person ‘Calling It Out’ show was performed by Kavita Kumar and Josh Maddocks.

Source – Safeguarding messages delivered to Telford students in touring theatre show | Shropshire Star

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