Job Description

Achieving for Children is an award-winning social enterprise created by Kingston and Richmond Councils in 2014, expanding into the Royal Borough of Windsor & Maidenhead in 2017. We are responsible for delivering the entirety of children’s services in all three local authorities.

Achieving for Children has been up and running for four years, and in that time, we have established a reputation as one of the leading children’s services providers in the country. We are one of the Department for Education’s eight ‘Partners in Practice’, tasked with leading improvement across the sector. The Safeguarding Lead for the AfC 0 – 19 Public Health Nursing Service is responsible for ensuring that the service meets the statutory requirement with regards to the safeguarding of babies, infants, children and young people in the borough. The Safeguarding Lead will ensure that there is robust and effective clinical governance of safeguarding children processes in place and will provide safeguarding advice in collaboration with the Named Nurse to frontline staff working with children, young people and their families.

The Safeguarding Lead will also represent the 0 – 19 Public Health Nursing Service in the AfC MASH (Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub) also known as the SPA (Single Point of Access) including Strategy Meetings, the AfC Early Help Hub, AfC and also various fora, including the Multi Agency Risk Assessment Conference (MARAC) and Sexual Exploitation & Missing Risk Assessment Conference (SEMRAC) and the Psychosocial Meeting with Wexham Park Hospital Midwives. The SPA referral process includes the task of searching for and collating health information from a range of NHS providers both locally and further afield with due regard to patient confidentiality and for the purpose of ensuring that a robust and comprehensive assessment is made for each client referred. The Safeguarding Lead will be expected to support staff with the communication of complex and sensitive information effectively with children, young people, their parents and carers and other service users. This support will include supporting staff with legal processes, such as court reports. You must be skilled in maintaining good relationships with other professional leads and all members of staff, thus developing professionalism through the organisation.

There is an expectation that the successful post holder carries a small caseload of complex safeguarding families.

For further information about this position please contact Rachael Park-Davies at

Start dates

Achieving for Children have Fixed Start Dates, candidates are advised to prepare for this should a job offer be accepted to ensure eligible continuous service is not affected.

Achieving for Children is an equal opportunities employer and is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children, young people and vulnerable adults. We expect all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. The successful candidate will be required to undertake a Criminal Record Check.

Closing date: 25 July 2021

Interviews: 3 August 2021

For more details and to apply please visit: